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My Dungeons & Dragons Portfolio Had Nothing To Do With D&D

Dungeons and Dragons Portfolio 2020-04-05-0010.jpg My Dungeons & Dragons Portfolio Had Nothing To Do With D&DThumbnailsMy Dungeons & Dragons Portfolio Had Nothing To Do With D&DMy Dungeons & Dragons Portfolio Had Nothing To Do With D&DThumbnailsMy Dungeons & Dragons Portfolio Had Nothing To Do With D&DMy Dungeons & Dragons Portfolio Had Nothing To Do With D&DThumbnailsMy Dungeons & Dragons Portfolio Had Nothing To Do With D&DMy Dungeons & Dragons Portfolio Had Nothing To Do With D&DThumbnailsMy Dungeons & Dragons Portfolio Had Nothing To Do With D&D

I c jould just see people running In and out of the. doors on the _
side of the walls all flfcatrt doing unmentionable thinss.T wanted
to find out what it looked like in there,and there was only one
th: ** mg that happened in there,so I decided I'd better not look*. rhow,everyone under 19 had to leave the place after 6:00,
so it didn't really u.t ;v,I "a’ 1 ; k: :;v: what I '/xl" - I a
. pll wee like -this. I' only fourteen, and I'm in a wince that turns
! of :o a punk rock joint after hours,!'d have to remember the name this place -11 dcorae back to it after 6:00 when I was old enoufh.
An cl if anyone was going to come with me,it would be Paula Dixon and only Paula Dixon*She’s probably the only girl in civiliza-
— — ' [ ■ M ‘— 71 * - - - iU' 1/ f tJ ^—' tidn.who could handle a place like this without galloping back
upJ the in stairs*I guess the spiral staircase would be a prob-
lorp if people were going in and out at the same time,but I was
intending to leave before anything like that started to happen.
. Thj CQl .s place was really -freaky*If you looked at the deling,you ild see. a bunch of colored lights that were used to give t.he^^
place atmosphere,but apperently,they only used them at night. - -In fact., there were so few lights lit, that I could barely see
my food,which tasted aberrant*to me at least*Paula thought it
. was great,even though she never found out what it was called*
We. just sat and talked and talked for hours on end.Finally,
me were.told we had to leave.We'd been there for eight hours,
an; 1 the clock finally hit six o clock.I was dissappoint-ed,but
Paula was quite obviously grief-laden*I don’t know why either,
we were both running out of things to say,and the place was rea-
m r getting boring.She always was a little strange in: demanding
whatever she wants*I’m surprised that the manager didn't let
us. stay.Paula was putting up such an act. of anger that I'd be
convinced she was. suicidal*Put this manager was as demanding
as. she was,and eventually, f wd left*.We were .shown out. a door that
we] didn't see yet that led right out into ijhe parking Lot,which
must be how everyone leaves after the mall doses*
The parking lot was: the perfect setting for her next en-
de ivor*At - the sight of a van,Paula just- went wild.She graooed
my arm and dragged me over to a crummy old van that, looked like